Bilingual? Trilingual?? Any kinda lingual???

  In all honesty, I’ve really missed being able to sign in the short time I’ve been down here. I mean sure I could still sign ,but I thought it was best to not confuse people anymore than I already do, so to say I was elated to see what my first LSN (Nicaraguan Sign Language) meeting would be like would be a understatement. I met a sister who helps out with the group a few days ago and through signing a little and her talking to Christy in Spanish we found out the meetings are in Spanish and interpreted into LSN on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. Well here it is approx. 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday and we are nearing where the sister works and lives when Christy says , “Tonight, Sean and I are doing the cart from 3-6 ,so if you wanted to go to the meeting we can ask the sister if you can go with her.” Initially, the idea of going to a meeting without someone to help translate is a tad intimidating ,but I say “Sure” and so we make arrangements for me to meet the sister at her house at 5:30. I totally forget to ask what I need to study to be prepared for the meeting ,so I study like I normally would and hope for the best. I leave a few minutes early so I have time to walk to her place, struggle with locking the gates but kinda figure it out, and then make my way down the sidewalk. It only takes about 4 minutes but it easily feels like an hour. I step inside the the little shop and look to the back where I see a brother (I assume since he’s wearing a suit), he waves and then goes and gets the sister. While we are waiting on her he introduces himself (I only remember everyone’s sign names) half in sign and then in what English he knows. I say my name and make hasty apologies for knowing very little Spanish. The sister comes out and then we all start walking towards the hall. The location for the Kingdom Hall could hardly be any better ,out of the 3 KH’s here it’s the one that has the LSN group and it’s only a few blocks away. Along the way they tell me that they are married and we discuss my sign name, turns out this wouldn’t be the first time I tell someone what it is and they sign “why??”. Then I finger spell my name out and they are like “ahhhhh okay”. Before, we could get anymore conversation in though we had made it to the hall. As soon as we walked in the sister started to go up to people and say hello. I understood enough to know she was telling them I spoke English. Then, there would be one of two reactions: 1.) 馃槃- says a phrase in English or 2.) 馃槵- laughs and then shakes my hand. The little bit of time we had before the meeting we spent comparing signs and when one of us would sign something and the other got confused we would stop, try to figure it out between Spanish and English and if that didn’t work ,we’d refer to a older sister a few rows back who knew some English.   

  There are two deaf in their group of about 8 people. When I met the deaf sister the first thing she asked was if I was cold (apparently 70 degrees is like freezing here) and if there was snow where I’m from. The answer to that would obviously be a resounding s矛. Then she commented on my sign name and asked if I was married. I had a good laugh over both of those comments/questions. At this point the conversation switched to babies and I was tad confused until the sister I came to the meeting with told me she was pregnant. *insert jaw drop here* I’m pretty sure the signs I used weren’t understandable ,but my facial expression was!! I met a couple more people and then the meeting was starting. The song was on a tablet held up by a brother and as soon as it started and I started signing it I felt a whole lot more at ease. At first, I was trying to discern how much of the Spanish I could understand while I was watching the brother interpret ,but I quickly forgot about that and all the Spanish was drowned out by LSN. The most impressive thing about the entire meeting was the brother and sisters who interpreted. There were 2 brothers and 2 sisters who did the entire meeting and most of the time as soon as they finished the part they were interpreting for they would almost immediately be up on stage doing the next part in Spanish. A sister did the bible reading and because they don’t have bible available in LSN she interpreted directly from the Spanish being spoken. Then, for the Apply Yourself to the Field Ministry a brother and sister switched out for all three parts. The language is fairly similar to ASL ,so for the most part I was able to understand the meeting. If anything it’s almost like it’s so close to ASL sometimes that you second guess what a sign is and then that makes it more confusing. The Congregation Bible study was in the back and played off a dvd. We got done back there before Spanish was done ,so were all talking about the elephant in the room….me. At some point the deaf brother thought they said I was from Africa (not sure how since the signs are like polar opposite) and so I started laughing and was like noooooo. Thankfully, the one other brother back there,who conducted the bible study, spoke a little creole and we all got through whatever we were trying to say laughing at the entire ridiculousness of it. After the meeting there were some more introductions and conversations about if I was gonna come to the meeting on Sunday. (YES! Of course I am) I also managed to ask what publication they were studying and found out that their C.O. ,just the sign language C.O., is coming in week after next!! I couldn’t have been here at a better time! I don’t think I’ve ever found confusion and somewhat understanding so much fun!! When we were walking back the brother asked what I thought of the sign language here and honestly I think it’s nothing short of awesome!! Now I’m just gonna be practicing up until Sunday so I can communicate a little bit more. Until more epic things…..

                              -Jay 鉂わ笍

Intro to Nicaragua聽

I’ve never been to another country. We went on a cruise to Mexico when I was six ,but that doesn’t really count. Hence, I’ve never been to another country and here I am at 2:00 a.m. central time gathering my backpack and customs paper ready to get off the plane in Nicaragua. I’m not really sure what to expect, where to go, or what to do ,but somehow I’ve made it!! After making it through customs , where the lady called me by my proper Spanish name (which really just sounds like hyena to me) I make my way through sliding glass doors. There’s probably at least 30 guys standing there either holding signs up or trying to get you to take a taxi. I don’t need one though because I know exactly where I’m going…..the nearest chair. The realization I wouldn’t be getting any sleep soon hit as soon as I sat down on the metal bench. Thankfully though there was one fellow American in the airport (he was from Alabama) ,so we ended up talking about our mutual hate for UT, traveling, and ASL. Which was really cool because that lead to and talking a little about about all the different languages the society has literature available in to help spread the good news. On the subject of languages that brings up the coffee stand incident. At 5 a.m. the coffee stand opens. Now I realize I’m in Managua and the main language is Spanish ,but the entire menu was in English ,so I order like I normally would. That was a mistake. The lady asks me a question and I have no idea what she’s saying ,so then I change my order go with something that can’t be misunderstood (a latte). Well that didn’t work either. She pulled over another lady who worked there to get my order and finally I ended up with some very not even kinda sweet coffee. That kept me awake for the next leg of my journey though. My next flight, the one to get me into Bluefields, was a flight from a local company called La Coste帽a. In order to get to their check-in desk I had to walk out of the International airport and down a block to their little hole in the wall establishment. Which I actually passed at first because it’s super tiny. Once I made it inside I showed them the ticket info and then my passport. Here’s where it started to get tricky. My suitcase was kinda overweight. By that I mean it was 15 lbs overweight. The guy checking me in looks at me like I don’t know how to pack or something. (Fun fact: I don’t.) He rubs his chin looks at the suitcase, then back to me, and says hold on. He brings another guy over who does the same. Then they both are just kinda looking at me like I’m crazy which is debatable honestly so I don’t blame them too much. Finally, I’m like well can I pay for the extra. Then they nod and look at each other kinda laughing and nod some more. I’m officially THAT American. The one who can’t speak Spanish, is easily confused, and kinda bumble and mumbles through everything. That’s me. 

I go through security once without realizing its security and set the machine off. Then when then guy looks at me and points to the scanner (which mind you wasn’t visible from where I walked in) I take off my backpack and walk through again. Unfortunately, to my dismay I had c贸rdobas in my pocket I forgot about. The machine went off again. Finally, I make it through everything and with a battered ego sit and wait for my plane. It’s 20 minutes before the supposed departure time and I start looking around to see if anyone else has a yellow laminated boarding pass like my own. Nada. I start to kinda freak out like “Well, maybe the plane came and left early and because the guy is speaking in Spanish I couldn’t understand and I didn’t hear the flight number right and now here I am and I have missed my flight.” The embarrassment that would’ve ensued had I done that might’ve finished me off. Alas, though a very sweaty, very young professor/writes poetry in his free time guy comes rushing in all disheveled and low and behold amongst his bag and other papers is a yellow boarding pass. That relived me for a few minutes until I notice him looking around and moving seats. He’s not even sure about what he’s doing and considering the state he arrived in it’s possible we both have missed our flights. 10 minutes later a guy goes up to the podium and starts calling off names. The professor guy pops up and walks out the door. Other names are being called off and I hear something that kinda sounds like “Phillips” but I’m not sure. The girls sitting in front of me are confused as well and ask what flight I am and so we go up and check. Turns out it was my flight ,not theirs and so I hand him the boarding pass and walk out into the amazing warm breeze. 

You know when you watch a movie and the people decide to go somewhere remote, it skips to where they are on this tiny plane that’s crammed with people and it seems like they are probably gonna crash? That’s the kinda plane we walked out to. We walked up 5 steps and then ducked and crawled into our seats. Now I’m all for adventure…anytime, any day , any place ,but I can’t say I wasn’t a little wary of that flight. I nervously/excitedly buckled up and situated myself right behind the copilot. At least I told myself that even if we did crash I had the best window seat and would get to see an awesome view beforehand. Across the what I guess could be called an aisle sat the professor who leaned over and asked if I had ever been on this flight before ,to which I responded I hadn’t. “Well it’s really marvelous ,just really nice, you’ll see.” ,he replied in accent that I still can’t quite determine. It had a twinge of wanting to be British but definitely wasn’t. Before, I could think anymore about it the plane started making it’s way down the runway and the next thing I knew we were in the air. Once we were up I was able to get a few pictures and then I fell fast asleep. I woke up and we were about to land in Bluefields. Everywhere you look it’s either rich green from the foliage or bright blue from the water. Then as we landed I looked out the window and there was a fence. On the other side of the fence was cows and a man and a little boy on horses rounding them up. At last I had made it to Bluefields.   


 I got off the plane and walked up to where Christy and a little girl from their hall was waiting for me. My suitcase would be coming on the next plane and so we set off walking back to her house. We pass colorful houses all crammed together and little tiny colorful taxis pass by us. The sidewalks are very uneven everywhere so I soon make it my goal to not trip and fall right in front of a taxi. We get to their house which is blue and green with a swirly pattern gate. Christy makes us quesadillas and honestly I can’t think of a better introduction to this place. A little while later my suitcase finally comes in and then we all (now…Christy, Sean, the little girl, another brother and me) head into town. One thing I notice as we’re walking is all the palm trees and I absolutely love it. They are soooo many pretty palm trees and most are loaded down with coconuts. I’m not sure what it exactly it is but I see one and I instantly feel chillaxed. I’m just gonna call that the nature effect. The closer we walk into town the busier it gets with motor bikes, people, cars and taxis, and even a horse and buggy or two. On one corner loud Spanish music blasts from speakers outside and on others there are people selling fresh fruit and vegetables. There are dogs roaming up and down the streets and cars honking, to say the city is bustling would be an understatement. We go in a store and I exchange my American money for c贸rdobas. One U.S. Dollar is equal to about 28 c贸rdobas. Then we went into a couple other places and I ended up buying my first item. A notebook I needed for 40 c贸rdobas. I even threw in a “gracias” when he handed me back my change. At this point overall.. I wouldn’t say I’m cultured shocked. It’s more like culture intrigued and I love it!!  

 This morning was my first morning in kriol service and I was super excited. Last night Christy and I had gone over a few common phrases and words. Then, we wrote me up a presentation that I was elated and hesitant to use. After I woke up and got dressed this morning I packed up my backpack with literature and my presentation, slathered on sunscreen, and grabbed my sunglasses before we were out the door walking to the Kingdom Hall. I normally don’t eat breakfast ,so I was good not eating something but Sean threw up some options saying I probably should. (One of which was cookies and Fresca….Fresca is very fast becoming my favorite soda down here.) On our way to the hall we handed out tracts which people readily took and there were a couple people who even stopped us and asked for tracts! The difference between people’s attitude in the States and here is vastly different. At home it’s common for people to not be at home, not answer the door, or just ask you to leave ,but here people really appreciate the bible and love to talk about it!! It’s such a refreshing change to see that. By this point, we’re a little closer to the hall and Christy asks if I want a smoothie. That is something I can’t pass up on so we go inside this little smoothie place and I get her to order me a smoothie that has among other things starfruit and mango in it. I’m not gonna say it was the best smoothie I ever had for the sake of not being dramatic BUT that was a reallllllllly good smoothie. We reach the hall and instantly brothers and sisters are coming up and introducing themselves. I’m not gonna remember any of their names ,but they are all so nice and welcoming. The Kingdom Hall itself is really cool because it has no a/c (truth be told there’s next to no places with a/c here) so there are little shudder slats things on the sides of it to allow for ventilation and a billion fans all going to keep a breeze. After the walk there it felt super nice because even though it was only 9 o’clock it was already in the 80s. The C.O. is in this week so he was pairing up one local person with one non-local so I got put with a local sister and then we went out in a group to a section of the territory we were working. Here instead of knocking on doors you shout from the gate “mornin” and then someone will come out of the house and to the gate to talk to you. The response is incredible, out of everyone who came to the doors they all listened and had something to say about the magazine being offered. Even when it was me who was speaking my botched kriol!! I was really shocked I managed to get through the part of the presentation I remembered and then when they were answering the questions and taking the literature it just made me super happy that I decided to try instead of being nervous. Of course that was only because Jehovah was helping me a ton…moving out of comfort zones is not always easy for me and that was more like launching out of a comfort zone. Around 11 Christy had a study at little store and it was here I had my first bag of water. It cost 2 c贸rdobas and is pretty much what you’d expect. A little bag of water and you bite the corner to drink it. Somehow as simple as that sounds it still totally has a wow factor to it. After, that I decided to head back to the house rest. That consists of lying by a fan on full blast. 

 So there’s that for my first full day in Nicaragua!!! There’s tonnnss more I could write about and say but I’ll try not to go all nitty gritty detail. There’s a lot things to adjust to like the heat for instance. It’s sooo incredibly hot. Then you have to be careful about some things you eat and that sorta thing. Even though there’s things like that and the planning of the trip to go through… being here and being in service totally makes all of those things seem so insignificant. I truely can say this is the best life ever!!! And it just keeps getting better and better 鉂わ笍 



California: Part 2聽

  I could give a bunch of lame excuses for taking forever to finish Part 2. My favorite of which would be I had writer’s block (or amnesia since this is all non-fiction). But they aren’t very believable so I’ll leave excuses out….Now that being said I finally have it finished so here it is!! 

  The next day after the meeting we decided to head towards the city by way of ferry boat which didn’t go as smoothly as we thought it would. When we got there, bought our tickets, and then realized the next ferry was an hour away. That happened to work to our advantage though because right across a little pedestrian bridge there was a parking lot full of food trucks. All kinds of amazing food served up right out of a vehicle. That probably should be a teensy bit concerning, and yet it’s one of the greatest ideas ever, which I couldn’t help but think as I ate my lobster roll and drank lemonade that was surprisingly almost as good as the Souths. 

  That hour came and went and before we knew it we were on our way across the bay. The ferry rocked back and forth making Jade sea sick and causing me to doze off, which I usually don’t do. I normally don’t even fall asleep in my own car let alone on public transportation. But Chinatown was approaching and I definitely needed a nap. (Unfortunately, this ferry carried all kinds of liquor, but could they be bothered to have good coffee? No. Apparently they couldn’t.)  

   We pretty much wobbled and tripped out of the ferry, but we had made it without too many traumatic experiences. Even more important we managed to not traumatize the general public although I think several people watched in horror as I accidentally dropped my plastic cup into the trash can instead of recycling.

   I had previously thought sudoku puzzles make your brain hurt. I was wrong. What really makes your brain hurt is looking at a huge map with all different tracks going all different ways and none of it being where you need it to go. Jade finally decided we’d just start walking and gps it along our way. That seemed like the solution right? Wrong. We very very narrowly missed the Tenderloin. You would think that the streets would be organized in the customary city blocks, but these curved around every corner until you didn’t know what a block was, which didn’t help with Jade’s navigational skills. Amazingly enough, though, we found Chinatown and there a whole new set of adventures started to happen.  

   First off, to say I’m obsessed with chopsticks would be putting it lightly. I love, love ,love collecting them and mugs ,so the first store we walked into I went straight down the stairs to the ceramics and kitchen things. The sheer number of awesome teapots almost brought me to tears.  Among the kitchen ware was of all things a deformed sponge bob beanie. It took serious willpower not to get it just because it looked entirely ridiculous.  

   After finishing up there we shopped around for chopsticks and gifts until we got hungry and decided on the least questionable looking food we could find. It was a really cool experience to just be brought out food without really having to order it. Besides that it was delicious and we left feeling satisfied ,well almost because then we realized we really needed to get some boba tea.  
   My first experience with boba was a tad too sweet and I wasn’t thrilled but I decided to give it another chance. This time I had the option of choosing the amount of boba I wanted in it. Yeah. Soooo maybe I went overboard. Then again is there such a thing as too much boba? Upon reflection I think not. 

  Now while the tea was amazing I have to mention the fact their restroom (Which happened to be like the only public one we could find in Chinatown) was less than stellar based on the fact it was painted a funky shade of green and doubled as their trash room?? Yes, they had 3 industrial size trash cans (also a funky shade of green) just chilling in their bathroom. Nothing says “we love our customers” more than giving them the opportunity to trip and fall into toilet as they enter the restroom. Not to mention the amount of graffiti on everything and their apparent lack of soap. Sketchy? Definitely. Worth it….debatable *cough* yes *cough* what are health codes.  

   Then somehow we found ourselves in little Italy where we found an AMAZING bookstore. 3 levels of books in every nook a cranny… Non fiction downstairs…ground level fiction and upstairs poetry. One of the coolest things about this store was that it was in a old building that didn’t have cookie cutter rooms. They were all tiny and odd shaped with stairways in random spots ,but that’s what made it so charming. The smell of old and new books wafted around every turn and the cozy atmosphere made you wanted to curl up somewhere and read forever. That small space was brimming with dreams and adventures that you could almost taste and somehow even spending a short amount of time there felt entirely inspiring. There you could be in a thousand different places just by opening a book and turning a page. Unfortunately, we had a ferry to catch and when we walked out of the store all daydreams came to an end. It was back to reality where Jade would be seasick once again. Soon enough we were back at her house where we would awaken the next day and go on an adventure to Byron.  

The Abandoned Hotel:

  Nick (a.k.a instigator of trips to creepy places) picked us up around 11 and then we made our way to the boonies of California. Which is actually just towns full of produce farms. On our way up though I heard a couple things about their last experience in Byron which had something to do with a peg leg, or rather, lack there of, so I was both wary and excited to see what would happen on the trip. First order of business was stopping at a market/Mexican restaurant. In hindsight we probably missed out on some really good food just because the burrito sign made it a teensy bit questionable. Instead we went with a random assortment of junk food that included a melting Popsicle. Then Nick scolded Jade for not saving her trash so she could recycle it for later. 

  Soon after, we were pulling to a stop on a dusty side road ready for our trek to the abandoned hotel. This was not before all three of us made awkward eye contact with a couple in a parked truck that had been (prior to our slowly driving by) intensely looking in to the other’s eyes. Shockingly the walk to the hotel was mostly uneventful. We passed a shotgun shell every couple feet but other than that uneventful. Now as we approached the hotel the only thought in my mind was a scene from a old western. The part right before the smooth talking cowboy walks out. The camera pans around and there is nothing but some decrepit buildings. Maybe some scraggly plants here and there. Although at the hotel there were a ton of palm trees. On one side of you a tumbleweed blows on by (this actually happened and it made my year.) Then as you move closer to the building you hear something creak as it sways in the wind. (Yeah that didn’t make my year quite as much.) From the outside you can see how grand the building could’ve once been and a quick google search will confirm that. Over the years it has been everything from a high society golf resort to a monastery. However, nowadays it’s better known as a place people like to tag and party. Which is abundantly clear as we walk up a flight of stairs into the main rooms where all the walls are covered in graffiti.  

 *Although the place looks dangerous because of all the fire and people damage I assure everyone it was structurally sound* 

  We probably had spent 45 mins meticulously going in every single room and capturing pictures of some of the artwork when we heard noises that were possibly voices. After a creepy unsure few minutes of not knowing what it was we saw some people walking outside a few floors below. Eventually they turned a corner saw us and totally freaked out and then we all laughed about it. Then as we made our way down a staircase we realized it was the couple we had made eye contact with only a hour before. Pretty sure I’m still dying from the embarrassment of that. When we got to the basement Nick thought it would be a good idea to tell a scary story. Meanwhile, Jade was thinking it wasn’t such a good idea and I was laughing because her scared face and then the horror of the story. So on that lovely memorable note we ended the trip to hotel and started our walk back. Then on the way back we passed a creepy building that looked like where clowns would live and some thugs that were all like “Yo you’ve been tagging?” And we were all like “Noooope, k bye” and picked up the pace until we arrived safely back to what I’m gonna call the Nick-mobile. 


  From the desert we made our way into Berkeley. Along the way we stopped at a lookout to take some pics with a huge dead tree that doubled a bench. Then somewhere between there and the actual city Nick posed the question : “Are people more attractive here or in Tennessee?” Which is a good question that I still don’t have an answer to. I mean Cali guys all wear short shorts and Tennessee guys all wear camo or neon orange……………………..just let both of those awful realities sink in………..and while that may be an exaggeration those are the only examples that stick out in mind. As far as girls go they pretty much are the same everywhere…..all getting ideas off Pinterest. 

  After the question(s) were posed and half answered we made our way into a parking garage jamming to Shakira’s Hips Don’t Lie which is the only acceptable way to park if we are all being honest with ourselves. From there we took Berkeley by storm hitting up everything from an amazing Indian restaurant ,to a Japanese dollar store, Ice Cream Sandwich called Cream, and a (yes,another) bookstore I could’ve spent a billion hours in. The only predicament here was me trying to cram the ice cream in my mouth ,before walking in the bookstore. Then after we left that cool little section we headed to get Boba Tea. In which I was coerced into getting the lavender infused….but I totally ended up loving it!! Then with tea in hand and a determination to keep the weird going we dropped by Urban Ore. The only way to describe it is a second hand hardware store meets the worst and yet best thrift store you’ve ever been to. It was here we reached full on mental breakdown and had a 10 min laughing fit while kicking back on some pretty shoddy furniture. Jade invented what she calls the boba lip. Which involves being a actual 5 year old and filling your top lip with boba then proceeding to scare the general public with it. That being said it’s also ingeniously funny and every reason why I love Jade. That’s when an employee told everyone over the speaker that it was our last chance to dance in our urban ore pants and we continued laughing as we skedaddled out of the store.  

  We got back into the Nick-mobile and listened to Rather Be another 50 times while we devised a plan to crash someone’s house on a mission to instead of buy this time make our own Boba Tea. Before we had confirmation on a location though we headed into an Asian market on a quest to find boba pearls. This was an endeavor that took 30 mins, walking up and down the same aisles over and over again, and several employees to complete. (At one point we passed raw fish and squid and I wanted to run so far away. Blech.) and I believe Jade briefly chased me with a fish head in her hands, or some other sea creature. Which is pretty much what Jade is always doing. Finally, though we retrieved boba pearls from the complete other side of the store and headed to Jason’s to disrupt his evening of online Ikea shopping.  

   Once there we only partially burned down his kitchen. Amidst that there were floor lamps and rugs bought. There were definitely a few hilarious digs at Tennesseean’s made. We stared in awe as a lizard was fed ,and in the background delightful orchestrated music played. There was a debate over which milk to use, almond or coconut…this is only debate that would take place out there mind you. ERS made its way to the West coast and it didn’t take long for everyone get slap happy. Like literally slap happy. Nick contracted the black lung and demonstrated its cruel cruel affects on a person. In short it provided a perfect ending to the most ironic and hilarious day that I’ve ever had. Sadly, this probably only half of what happened.  

 The Rest of my Trip: 

  The last few days of my trip seemed to fly by filled with service days and random activities filled in every available spot. This really means we ended up going to Japantown to get stuff to make sushi and then later failing at making sushi. The sushi that wasn’t half bad looking was starting to disappear as there was a sushi-napper named Stirling and Jade’s father about. 

  One day we ventured to Muir Beach again and then to Muir Woods. This was an absolute dream come true for me as I eat, sleep, and breathe anything John Muir related. A cute family photo-bombed my sign pictures and all was right in the world. Except for the parking there. Dear goodness the parking situation really needs to be figured out because walking a mile on not a path but the actual full of blind curves road to just get to the gate is a real problem. I got my tree pictures I wanted and smelled all amazing tree smells after I made a obligatory trip to the gift shop where I bought probably half the store. Self control was out the door. There were mugs and shirts and magnets and cards oh my. Other than all that though the woods themselves were amazing. Out of all the amazing things I saw while on my trip there were plenty of things that pictures don’t do justice ,but here can’t be done justice by any picture or words no matter how beautiful. It’s not just the immensity or aesthetics of the woods either. Although, that’s the main highlight there is also this amazing peace and calm that lingers in the air. All worries seem to slip away and your newfound clear mind let’s you focus on the grandeur of Jehovah’s epic creation.  

  The day before my trip came to a sad end we went surfing in Bolinas. This was another dream come true even though turns out I surf like a nightmare. The surf shop was a little hole in the wall place that exceeded my expectations and was so close to perfection I might’ve felt tears coming on had it not been for the rude awakening of having to put on a wetsuit. Forget all the hype about crossfit. Wetsuits are the real deal. It gets to a point where you aren’t quite sure if you are pulling on the wetsuit or just pulling every muscle in your body. Jade and I were struggling soooo hardcore that we just started laughing at each other and the entire debacle. Then was the half mile walk to the beach with the surfboard propped under my arm. And while this might seem like complaints I assure you it isn’t. This is what I had wanted for years. The pain of (kinda but not even a little bit) being a surfer. Go to the extremes. Do the thing. Surf the wave. I accomplished next to nil of those things ,but I was so high on that hang loose feeling there was no knocking me down unless you were that wave I didn’t see coming. And that was pretty much all of them. The whole day was dedicated to the cold salt water that numbed my toes and warmed my soul. I didn’t even care I couldn’t see anything in the water. Not even when seals were swimming around and normal me would’ve been freaking out. The surfboard was a brand I had been drooling over for years that are made right in California and I just kept falling off it like there was nothing better. I forgot about food, sunscreen, and my glasses. It turns out surfer guys are the exact way they seem and nothing but chill and nice. That being said one so graciously pointed out to me that I might want to take my glasses off especially if I was gonna surf a lot ,but I waved him off ,said I wasn’t a local and I was being careful. I continued in my blissful state for another couple hours. Then passed him on the beach and he was like “heyyy you still have them” and I was like “duuuudde yeahhh I totally do” (jk I didn’t say dude) then after the exchange got back in water and less than a minute later I lost them. The wave attacked my face and was like “ha!” I spent a few ridiculous minutes looking for them and then gave up. After I sat in the sand pouting in self pity over my own stupidity, Jade and spent the last hour or so body surfing. Which really just meant acting like our crazy selves, admiring how the difficult to put on wetsuits definitely kept you warm, and accidentally eating sand. Once we headed back to the surf shop and took off our wetsuits Jade had realized what time it was and what day it was. Thursday and we raced to work trying to get there and do the job as fast as we legally could. (Which considering I was supposed to be driving ,but I had lost my glasses… it meant as legal as we could suffice) Once we got back home later that day we realize that we were as red as lobsters. Hence, we spent the whole next day slathering our faces in aloe vera and laying in bed laughing (and crying because it hurt to laugh) at the one and only Leslie Knope.  

  Our last night together (馃槶) was spent eating Sol Food (which I’m so glad I didn’t try up until that point because I would’ve spent all my money on it) and binge watching Parenthood. Which I loved because now I know exactly where they are talking about when they say the studio is in the Haight and Joel is building houses in Sausalito. *fist pumps* Only feeling slightly less like a tourist. Unfortunately, eventually the time came for me to leave and we lugged my ginormous suitcase to the car and made our way to the airport. Narrowly. We narrowly made it to the airport but we did make it. Only to have one of those long drawn out teary goodbyes you only see in the movies. Then, I checked my bags, hopped on the plane, and was off headed towards home sweet home.  

  Overall the trip was both everything thing I did and didn’t expect it to be. I met so many amazing people, saw so many spectacular sights, and had awesome adventures that I will remember forever. So thank you to all those who made my trip special馃槉…. However while I had an amazing time I have to be honest and say I totally got homesick which in the end only made me appreciate coming home to beautiful East Tennessee even more. Now I’ve been back for a few months and am planning my next adventure: Need Greater Territory in Nicaragua. *spastic jazz hands* I’m hoping with that trip to do more blog posts that are shorter in length so everything is more timely. So until then…..


California: Part 1聽

  Hey everyone! I’ve been back for a little over a week now and am finally finding the time to elaborate on my amazing California trip. So below you will find some of my crazy fun experiences. Enjoy! 

馃幎 I hopped off the plane at SFO with a dream and my hoodie. 馃幎 The only thoughts I had on my mind were 1). Find Jade 2.) Food, because I was starving. After flying, for what seemed like an eternity, who wouldn’t be?    

Finding Jade was a tad bit insane. I had to weave myself and my two bags in between hoards of people. While I was searching for her I passed by designated yoga rooms which I thought to be just down right odd. ( I realize now an airport is a maze with the main goal of confusing you until you have no other choice but to buy a nice large cup of coffee and contemplate what in the world you are doing before commencing your search of people or terminals.)Then after finally deciding it’d be best to call Jade instead of text, I found out that we were both standing at coffee stands, two different coffee stands of course ,so a short while later after some navigation we found each other. We hugged, exchanged information about my arrival, and retrieved my over-sized maroon suitcase. Then, we were off!! …to get food. 

   We accomplished this task in the most California way possible: In-N-Out. I had dreamed of the burgers for weeks and while it wasn’t all what I thought it be, it was still quite amazing. On the way back to Jade’s house I got a nice sneak peek of the city. We drove under and then over the bridge. I swear, somewhere at this point the notes of Californication started to lilt through the air and didn’t stop until I was on a plane back.  

    Moving forward to the next day, we were up and ready for early morning service. I got my first, but not last taste of driving on Californian roads. This included merging into huge freeways with people crossing every which way. I was soooo out of my comfort zone and was desperately wishing for some country back roads. Shockingly enough we survived and I managed to get us to the hall. There began a very interesting day in service, which was comprised of literally no one answering their door and experiencing the weirdest way to get hit on ever. The guy somehow manage to turn the presentation around to pose the question of would dating Jade make him less anxious….hmmm actually no not at all. Then proceeded to ask if we were sisters (he would not be the last…we probably got asked this 30 more times and used it to our advantage once. ) which lead to him saying “but sisters of the lord right?”. We could not be like “k bye” soon enough. One thing I did learn though is to really appreciate the fact I live where you can actually have conversations with people at the doors. And to be thankful call boxes aren’t a thing in the country.  

   We only had a couple days before we left for Utah but in that time we managed to squeeze in a proper introduction to Sausalito. I hate to admit it. But even though it’s super uppity and filled with cyclists (who if you aren’t familiar with them are the most obnoxious creatures on the planet). I kinda love it. The bay is filled with all kinds of cute sailboats which make for some awesome views. Then the town itself made up beautiful hillside houses and delicious coffee shops. What can I say…*insert shrug* …I’m a sucker for coffee shops.  

even though it’s a nice little beach area and the sun was out … it was only 60 degrees and the water was frigid


Thought I would include our sad attempts at selfies
and although this one is arguably better it’s totally missing our charm 馃槅

 * Utah trip * 
  When we got back from the amazingness of the National Parks we quickly got to checking things off my list. Welllllll after sleeping in an entire day. Which was absolutely mandatory after staying up late taking turns driving back. When we finally awakened from our coma like sleep we headed out to Muir Beach. Out of all the beyond epic places I got to go it’d be hard to pick a favorite but here would have to be a top contender. The Pacific was completely different than I had imagined and I instantly fell in love with it. The water was chilly but only had enough bite to make you toes tingle and send excitement coursing through your veins. The waves crashed with an intensity the gulf only dreams about. Sea foam gathered along the sand in such great quantities I wanted to bottle it up and keep it with me forever. I was taking all this in and having a few moment of pure bliss when a wild Jade came running up behind me with an entire sea weed plant. Considering I enjoy that a whole lot less than everything previously described I took off running down the beach taunting Jade to catch up with me. After acting like loons and laughing for a solid 15 minutes we decided to leave the beach I had became so fond of and head to Rocco’s for pizza.   


we were trying to make a sandal tan look ya know not dorky but completely failed
      We entered the restaurant with jeans dripping with saltwater and ordered a massive amount of pizza. While we waited we were delighted (only not) with the presence of some interesting locals. One guy just couldn’t understand that we didn’t care that he kept the tv on baseball and that we really truly didn’t want to discuss baseball with him. Thankfully our pizza arrived quickly and soon our mouths were too full to even feign politeness. The pizza though. Sooooo good. Better than any pizza I’ve had anywhere. I realize I talk a lot about food ,but seriously the quality of food is so much better on the west coast. Everything is fresh and most of the time local which makes eating healthy super easy and I’ll mention it once again….delicious. 

   By this point we checked a couple things off my list and moved on to the next. The real deal 7/11 slurpee. We were in service (which turned out to be a hilarious day….bubonic plague discussions and when describing the events leading up to the Seattle outbreak… “We’re still in the 1800s, mom!!”…while that sounds morbid I promise it was hilarious) was and a sister conveniently had a call at the 7/11. So we all get out the car and go into the store. To my dismay the coke slurpee had a little red light on it which meant it wasn’t ready. A guy who works there came over and was like it’ll only be 5 minutes so I along with another sister patiently wait for our Coke slurpee…….5 minutes came and went and while we are still waiting the sister is still in conversation with the guys she has a call on. Eventually and very sadly we have to give up on the coke and settle for a less stellar pi帽a colada flavor. But all was good because the sister had a great experience there and I left with an official slurpee cup. 

  That weekend was Jade’s graduation. We got up super early and beat everyone else into the park. Meaning we got the coolest spot….also meaning there were a ton of nasty glares…. We got all set up and ready when wouldn’t you know the loudest person in the world using the weirdest combinations of swear words sets up right next to us. In short he was wayyy too excited about his family reunion and we could barely hear the prayer over him. Other than him though Jade’s party was a huge success!! There was laughter and balloons and random guitar stuff all topped off by a hilarious photobooth. And no I wasn’t the one who made a rootbeer explode *shifty eyes* 


it’s amazing what bad posture and a mustache can do to a person
       That was an awesome start to my California experience and more good stuff is to come in California: Part 2. Technically speaking…crazier stuff including abandoned hotels and taking over kitchens more than once. Anyways if any of that sounds remotely interesting keep your eyes out for Part 2! 


The Narrows聽

The Narrows   

Sunday, July 26. 

    Although I have been ecstatic about this whole trip, the Narrows held a special excitement for me. I mean hiking for miles in the water?? Come on. That is just pure awesome!! So when the day arrived and the temperature rose to a sweltering 100 degrees I was over the moon. 

    First, we had to board the shuttle and ride all the way up to the Temple of Sinawava which took 40-ish minutes. Thankfully, there was a interesting group of college girls to eavesdrop on. Topics included were:

     1). The iPhone 6 camera definitely being better than the 5s. 

     2). Stretchy bracelets to keep bugs away and the effectiveness of them. 

     3). *Passed around gum and Chapstick*

     4). Agreed on the fact they are adventurers in the following manner… “Heck yeah!! We are gonna be adventurers and hike the entire thing!!!”

Although that all was very entertaining I was happy when the shuttle pulled up to the last stop and we exited. 

     After, filling our hydration packs with fresh spring water at the station the park provides we were off. It took a mile walking on a concrete path to get to the rivers edge. Once there we slowly started to wade into the icy cold water. At this point I think one of the most shocking things to me was the amount of people on the “trail”. There were all kinds of people speaking all different languages. It actually was more common to pass people speaking German than English.  

     Jade, Stirling, and Myself took off walking through the river ,carefully navigating the rocks as we went. This. Was. Not. Easy.  The rocks are incredibly smooth from erosion so one wrong step ,and you would instantly be down in the water. This is where I saw the value of hiking poles. I used to think “Those things are for wimps!”. Oh no no no they happened to be the biggest asset on the hike and saved me many a time. 

     Once we got a quarter of the way into the hike everyone quit on us ,so Jade and I continued this adventure by ourselves. We forged currents and hurriedly hiked over the dry land in eager expectation of entering the river again. Somewhere mid-forging that precious hiking pole that I love so much decided to start collapsing on me which would be okay if I was a midget ,but considering I’m 5′ 8″ that was not gonna work. This is where having a extroverted friend comes in handy. She promptly (In a “hey yo ma” manner) yells out “Does anybody have a knife or screwdriver?”. Me being me was thoroughly embarrassed and then shocked when a young guy with backpack replies that he does in fact have a screwdriver and then proceeds to spend roughly 20 mins (okay more like 2 but it was painstakingly slow) searching for his Swiss Army knife. Dude was over prepared for this hike and had everything imaginable falling out of his backpack including his paper map wallet (which was actually really cool) that he dropped smack dab in the mud. Which then made me feel bad cause he was trying to be helpful and then it’s really just super awkward ,but finally he found the knife ,pulled out the screwdriver (that unfortunately, was not of the sonic kind) and tightened the lose screw.  

        After, the fiasco of fixing the hiking pole we continued on our way peaceably for a few hours ,taking pictures along the way. The further we hiked the more beautiful it got. The sun hit the rocks and you could see all the different colors of sandstone that has slowly been washed away and cut into by the river over time. Also the further we got the less people there were which was a nice change to the crowds we had encountered before.  

  I think what makes this so incredibly epic is just how immense it is. In total 16 miles long and at times only 20 feet wide. Also in some places it was 2,000 feet deep. You could be standing in a cool shady spot and look up and see the blue sky with the sun shining and feel like you were in a completely different world. Then you could walk around a bend and there would be a sandy beach area with trees and ferns and once again you’d be transported somewhere entirely different. Quite simply, there’s no way to describe standing there and looking around to see nothing but beauty. The greatness ,and the power that it oozes just makes you stand in awe. 

     Sadly, we only walked a couple more miles before hunger won over and we turned around ,but not before climbing a boulder *that’s a nice boulder* and taking a celebratory selfie. Which because we started laughing, almost every single one turned out blurry. The hike back seemed to go by a lot faster….which for one guy trying to hop from rock to rock could’ve ended badly or hilariously. Either way he was over confident and I was trying really hard not to laugh at him slipping all over the place. Funny thing is less than 20 mins later I was the one completely flat on my back after slipping. Pretty sure I could set a world record with the amount of bruises I have.

 Then, right before we got back to the concreted walk way I started to lose my mind and quick at that. The hunger and exhaustion made me incredibly loopy and I really just wanted to fall asleep in the river. I started to daydream about burgers and when we got back to land pretty much jumped in the air because of a friendly squirrel. Then when I saw a guy that looked like a older Adam Levine wearing a really awful Calvin Klein shirt I lost it and laughed uncontrollably all the way back to the shuttle.  

   Shuttle = Sitting down. At least this is what I thought until we actually got on the shuttle. Alas, our dreams were crushed when we had to stand the entire way back. Then of course the little boy behind me started talking really loudly about what he was going to have for dinner. Which of course happened to be a….wait for it…. BURGER. Jade looked at me and started laughing and was like “He’s killing you isn’t he?” to which I nodded back a feeble yes. The little boy’s dad overheard this exchange and was like “Hey buddy sounds like you a killing someone up there!” and we were like “Yeah we haven’t eaten all day!”. The little boy laughed and started to describe in detail the amazingness of the burger he was gonna eat and we all laughed and cut up for a bit. Then 5 minutes later he starts talking about fries. Finally, his dad is like, “If you keep talking about food you are gonna have to ask these young ladies out to dinner and you are paying”….after that note he finally quit talking. Hahaha. For whatever reason Utah makes everyone really nice! 

    Finally, we made it back to camp and quickly changed and headed into the cute little town of Springdale for a victory dinner. We decided on a place called the Spotted Dog Cafe because we figured it’d be fast and easy. When we sat down at the table we were given menus and asked if we wanted tap or bottled water. We quickly realized this was in fact not a cafe ,but a ploy to lure people into a five course dinner. That being said we were ravenous and I happily ordered my buffalo burger with truffle (yes, truffle) fries.  



 After, an incredibly long ,but awesome day it ended with me falling asleep while we did night photography and Jade only slightly injuring the truck mirror! Hahaha good times. Until some more…


(Night photography credit: Jade Hancock)

To Yosemite and Beyond…

   At 7 a.m. we were out the door, and on the road headed east towards Mesquite, NV from San Rafael, CA. Yosemite National Park is a mere 3 and a half hours away, and to say I was freaking out with excitement would be an understatement. We drove for miles and miles, winding up into the mountains passing nothing but red dirt roads leading to ranches straight out of a western movie. It’s hard to imagine living in such a remote place where everything surrounding you is brown, except a few straggly green bushes.    

  When we got to the end of the road there was a tiny town with a donut shop where we had lunch. Raspberry filled donuts hit at least 2 of the 5 food groups right?? That being said it was one of the best donuts I’ve ever had and even thinking about it makes me want to go back!

  After the donuts, I took over driving and Jade took on the responsibility of taking selfies that I had no idea she was taking haha. At this point we may have been singing Adele. I shan’t confirm nor deny that, but IF we were I feel no shame or regret in doing so! Hahaha. 

  FINALLY!!! We reached Yosemite’s entrance and rolled down the windows to let the wonderful smell of pines and outdoors in and nothing at that moment could’ve been more blissful!! On the subject of that scent, someone really needs to bottle that exact smell to where it doesn’t smell fake; I would use so much of that it’s not even funny haha! 

   Once we were in the park we stopped at a lovely creek where the sun was shining off the water. This probably has to be one of my favorite stops because (other than the loud, barely clothed kids running around) it was extremely serene. Then when you looked down into the water below the smooth black rocks and sandstone there were hundreds of little broken down bits of minerals that were glimmering. 馃槏

   As we continued our journey through Yosemite we looped around the mountains going up and then back down in elevation and at one point we could see the Half Dome from two different angles! The pictures can’t even describe how enormous and majestic this mountain (and really all the mountains) are!! 

  Then a little ways further was Bridalveil Falls. The coolest thing about this is that the waterfall is literally half way up the mountain and so the spray is coming off the face of it!! The picture I got of it is one of my favorite pictures from the entire trip!!

  One of the most amazing things I thought was the size of all the trees. Even the pine trees were huge and then every once in a while there would be a redwood!! (When we get back to California we are gonna go to Muir Woods so expect lots of pics from that!) 

  When we started to head out of the park we passed where there had been a forest fire. It was just acres and acres of cleared land with burnt trees and rocks. Naturally, the thought that came to my mind was “Only you can prevent forest fires” 馃惢 

   After, we were out of the park we drove up and then down the narrow, winding road. This was extremely daunting in the huge truck, but thankfully discussing “middle child syndrome” and “being exceptionally skilled at video games” distracted me from freaking out about the cliff which dropped thousands of feet down. (Thank you Stirling and your randomness) 

  Finally, we made it to the bottom. Even though I say bottom we were still 6000 ft in elevation, but had made it to Mono Lake. (Jade edit: Before I say anything about the lake, I want to point out something about the gas station we stopped at the bottom of the mountain. Mind you, the gas was almost $5 a gallon.) Back to the lake: This lake. I don’t even know what to say. It was bluer than the ocean and the white puffy clouds made it even more perfect! The pictures do not do it justice. 

  The next haul of the trip was right on the border of California and Nevada. Jade expertly drove the dips all across the valley, until we got to a tiny town that I could’ve sworn looked just like Radiator Springs. That being said there was no way I could not start singing “Life is A Highway” and quote the movie like the dork that I am. 

  Along the backside of the little town were the Sierras. Every time we got closer to them I had to take a picture so I probably have about 20 ,but I’ll restrain myself and only put 2 of them on here. (Honestly, you can never have too many pictures of the mountains!!) 

  The last 250 miles of our trip was nothing but desert filled with free range cattle and wild horses!!! Seeing them gallop through the dust was sooooo amazing!!! Pretty much like a movie come to life. At one point we passed a sign that said “Next gas 222 miles ahead”…while on Extraterrestrial Highway…which was a tad scary not gonna lie hahaha. But then we got to the gas station and it was even sketchier so what can I say. The desert is a weird place lol!! From this point on I fell asleep and didn’t wake up until we got into Mesquite around 11 at night. At the end of the super long day I got to see my first legit casino which was attached to the hotel. And I’m still not sure if the people watching there was hilarious or scary…..either way it had a Starbucks and I could fall asleep knowing the next morning I could properly be caffeinated.

  So here we go this is my first “official official” post. All the pictures are in order as they happened. Hope this was at least slightly entertaining!! So until my next post…

                             – Jay